Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Felting Kureyon

When I was going through my FO's, the other week, I came across a bag (?) made out of Noro Kureyon. Who knows when I made it or if it was even meant to be a bag as there were no handles. I decided to felt it. After a couple times through the washer it came out too small to be a bag but I have no idea what to do with it. If I fold the edges down it sort of works like a bowl, I guess. I do like the way the Kureyon felted so I started making my dad a tea cozy out of two odd skeins I had in the stash. But I ran out! I think the colours are pretty awful and now I have to go out and find another skein that will somewhat match. Great. So much for knitting solely from the stash.

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