Monday, January 14, 2008

I feel so liberated

I had an epiphany the other day. Knitting, or any hobby for that matter, isn't supposed to make you feel guilty or bogged down, which is exactly what UFO's do to me. I avoid most of my UFO's because of my intense dislike for them. The others were left in the UFO rubbermaid when I got distracted by shiny new projects. Where am I going with all this? I've spent days frogging...and frogging...and frogging. Now almost all my ufo's look something like this...



I did this to all my UFO's except the CPH and the sweater I'm knitting for a friend. Now I feel like this huge weight has been lifted. I have no obligation to finish projects I don't like and it's almost like having new yarn!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Figure out what you really want to knit! And replenish your stash with yarns you love without shopping. Sounds good.

Spatial Stitches said...

Oh! a post! how exciting!