Thursday, January 10, 2008

They call it procrastination

I know that I need to work on my gift-along items but I just couldn't resist starting this scarf while watching Gray's because 1) I really need another scarf ;) and 2) I needed mindless knitting to watch Gray's. It's knitting up extremely fast although I'm not enjoying the large needles and the lack of stretch in the mohair. Here it is:

Now that BofA has ruined my knitting hobby fund by stealing way too much money from my bank account in ridiculous and unreasonable fees, I have to come up with even more ways to cut costs. So, today I went to this place called the library. I had forgotten that this knitting book resource exists! They only have one copy of most books and a lot were already checked out but I managed to rent these....

Why rent, you ask? Because, in my 30's, I've finally become a realist - I never return anything on time. I was pretty sure that my photo might still be hanging on the walls of the local video rental stores when I went home at Christmas. Netflix truly changed my life. As an added bonus, since the library will be renovated next month, I get to keep the books for 8 weeks instead of 4. I've flipped through them and there are a few things that look like ideal procrastination projects. I'll start my gift-along items tomorrow.

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