Friday, February 1, 2008

Lady of Leisure

What is the one thing that knitters do faithfully before any trip?

They make that crucial decision regarding which project to bring. The night before I left for Santa Barbara I spent way too long deciding if I wanted to knit socks or a scarf or maybe use that yellow Malabrigo for a sweater. I even wound the yarn for Endpaper Mitts incase I got a hankering to learn stranded knitting. I couldn't decide so I did the logical thing and packed them all.

What is the one thing that can completely ruin a trip for any knitter?

Forgetting to PUT the YARN in the CAR. Besides a toothbrush and clean underwear, it's pretty much the most important item we could pack.

What is the one bonus of forgetting your knitting?

You get to buy more yarn and call it a "souvenier".

And so comes my first yarn shop review. The shop is called Knit & Pearl , located in the historic (downtown?) area of Santa Barbara on E. Figuero near State. It's run by....Julie (I think), who is really friendly if somewhat nervous and awkward. It's a small shop with some of the usuals - Blue Sky Alpacas, Rowan, Elsebeth Lavold, a big wall of Manos and an equally large selection of Malabrigo. All her prices were a fair amount higher than my LYS but she carries a few yarns I had never seen in person, namely Twisted Sisters and O-Wool. The O-Wool is wonderful (!!) and I will have to make a sweater out of it in the future.

I picked out some pretty sock yarn called Rio Del Playa, maybe? I tossed the label so I can't verify it. The Gates in me was feeling all spendy so I picked up 2 skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas Suri Merino. I planned to make this but I got back to the hotel and logged into Ravelry only to realize that I would need 3! As an unemployed Student, my pockets aren't that deep so I need a new pattern. Any ideas?

Unfortunately my pictures will have to wait as I forgot my flashcard adapter at the hotel and I don't know where the cable connector is. Rest assured, I will post them soon.

p.s. any idea why my spacing is so large?

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