Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

I was like a groupie for the first time in my life. We spent the day trying to get a picture with Paolo Bettini. Just when we were ready to give up hope...

Yvonne and Paolo

Levi's butt

George Hinhottie (left - couldn't fight off the other women to get closer)

And the best part of the day? My reward for 5 Hours of Prologue waiting and watching.

There are tutorial's all over the net but Border's didn't have a lot of knitting books to choose from. I'm hoping this will cure second sock syndrome. So far the method is working but I'm getting frustrated with all the ends and needle bits. Also, getting home from school at midnight is starting to wear on me (not related but it's on my mind).

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