Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Farewell to Apples and Applesauce

What a beautiful morning at the Farmers Market! It would be perfect if we could get rid of the "tourist" shoppers: those people who have some romantic notion of going to the farmer's market yet only come out on clear sunny days to wander around and buy nothing (and get in the way...especially with their ridiculous double-wide strollers. The person who invented those should have to go a private hell where double wides block his or her every move).

Sadly, apple season is over until fall. I got some golden delicious for one last batch of yummy applesauce. I'll freeze it and we'll eat it in no time then be applesauce deprived for many months. I really need to learn to pressure can.

Luckily, the calla calla oranges still rock and strawberries and sugar snap peas are back! Perhaps this will be the summer that I finally make jam.

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