Saturday, March 29, 2008

by by vacation

Washington was a lot of fun. I can't believe I lived in Victoria for so long and never went to that part of the state. Unfortunately fun and relaxation come with consequences - catching up on all the work I needed to do over Spring Break. Oh well.

One of the places we went was Poulsbo. The population is 7500 people and the main street is about a block long yet it has two knitting stores, a scrapbook store, a rubberstamp store, and a bead store! That's one seriously crafty town.

The yarn stores were pretty good. One of them, Wild and Wooly, had some nice yarns but they organized in a way that I've complained about before, by color! I think that only makes sense for beginning knitters. I find it utterly frustrating. It didn't help that the woman working there was less than friendly. Really not my kind of place.

I didn't get too much knitting done. I ended up ripping out the sock I posted earlier. I was loving the colour so much that I thought I should do something nicer than 2x2 rib. I started a simple cabled sock and boy did it throw the colour off! Pooling galore. I don't know why I continue to buy varigated yarn. I just hate how it can pool. But, apparently, it's my crack because I keep on going back for more.

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