Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kool-aid Dying - could it be that my insides are neon pink and blue?

Last weekend I got together with my knitting buds for a Kool-aid yarn dying session. I think we all know that Kool-aid doesn't make the list of "good" things to put in your body but dying yarn with it casts a whole new light on fake food. The yarn literally sucks up the dye and leaves the water crystal clear. It's hard to believe even when you see it with your own eyes.

Dying yarn was so much fun. There was nothing remotely professional about our finished products but that's ok because the journey is what matters. We've already scheduled our next session so expect to see some amazing skeins:)

This is my yarn. It's 2 packs strawberry that was overdyed with some green food colouring. I didn't believe it would really mute the strawberry red but sure enough, Knititout was right. Don't mind the tangles. By this time next year, I should have them out.

Last night, despite little progress in the untangling arena, I was feeling inspired. I headed over to Safeway and picked up some more Kool-aid. The goal: self striping. What an exercise in frustration, mostly because my yarn kept tangling. I am never ever buying this yarn again. I blame it, not me.

This time I used 2 packs orange - it didn't take well to all of the yarn, next time I will use 4 packs of orange. The reds are actually different. One section is 2 packs strawberry and the other is 2 packs cherry. They look pretty much identical, even when dry. I plan to get a couple packs of dark cherry and overdye one section. Hopefully I'll have time tonight because I'm excited to see if the striping really worked.

The left side is strawberry and the right side is cherry.

I'm going to order some more undyed yarn to experiment with. I don't see myself doing lots of dying but I'd like to try and get to a point where the end result looks like something I might actually buy - which means there could be a lot of experimenting. Light, muted colours would be nice.

There are more dying session photos here.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

I've got some kool-aid and yarn ready for dying. It's on my 'to do soon' list!