Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where's the Inspiration?

I am having such a hard time getting myself to knit these days. I finally have time to do some serious knitting but nothing is inspiring me to do so, which is really weird because I've been adding to my queue like crazy on Ravelry. I'm interested in finding things to knit and finding yarn to knit those things with but not so interested in the knitting itself. I started this Kri Kercheif a few weeks ago but this is as far as I got before I lost interest.

On Sunday I started the Sunday Market Shawl in Manos Silk Blend. After forcing myself to work on it this week I sure hope that I'm going to have enough yarn. It's looking awfully short. Apparently it stretches a lot but it's so hard to believe.

So what do I do instead of knitting? Well, I've been trying to get my yarn uploaded to Ravelry. I used to think that the project, stash, books, and needles pages were too time consuming for something I would never use. Patterns and inspiration from other knitters were enough for me. However, despite my sparse apartment I misplace my knitting book all the time and I can never remember what needles or yarn I have. At least in Ravelry I always know where to find the info. It's also good to quickly size up my yarns to patterns or see if I own the pattern.

During the process, I've come across yarns I don't like anymore or know that I'll never knit. A couple clicks and they're now for sale. I've actually sold some too. Of course, selling resulted in buying from other Ravelers. For future reference, it's a pretty good place to check when you know what you want.

I bought two skeins of Rowan Kidsilk Spray for $5!! I hate kidsilk - hate - but the Drizzle scarf in Rowan 38 has been calling my name. I also bought a skein of Sundara sock yarn because I've been curious about all the hype. How could it be that nice? Well, it arrived and the color has more depth than I've seen in other yarn. I don't know that I'd pay full price but getting it from someone's cheap destash was totally worth it.

Here's the problem with impulse buys. I went back to my LYS, that is going out of business, to see what was left, which was pretty much nothing. Patterns were 50% off but that was about it. Then they brought out the oddballs. The Drizzle scarf calls for various skeins of Rowan Felted Tweed in the same color family. Normally I'd find a sub but the two purple skeins, below, were $3. I couldn't buy acrylic for that price. One problem - I don't like blue and purple together. I want the scarf to be shades of blue. Whoops. Anyone have blue felted tweed that they'd like to trade for purple?

Also, the scarf in the book looks significantly different than the FO's I've seen. It's more muted, which is the look I want. I wonder if it's the photography or the color choice?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It IS weird that the FO's look so different. They don't specify their yarn... maybe they subbed. I didn't realize that pattern is such a complication of combining different yarns, but i love it!