Thursday, May 8, 2008

Start-itis and Stall

I had a small bout of startitis a few weeks ago. I started another chevron scarf and knit a few inches but I wasn't loving the colours - as usual. I was going for more brown/sand and less green. Look how green that one skein is? What was I thinking?

So then I started the Skuld Bag. I love the pattern but chose the wrong yarn. I was in a skuld-knitting frenzy until about 1.5 repeats from the end. Then I stopped. Now, not only has it been two weeks since I worked on it, but it's been that long since I worked on anything. Strange how that happens.

Oddball news of the week: I really enjoyed Ironman - the movie, not the race. I was taken against my will but it turns out that it was actually a good movie. I've had to endure the pain of almost every comic book movie and this is hands down my favourite.

Food News: YUM! It's Orange Sesame Tofu (but I forgot to add the sesame seeds) with Coconut Rice from Eat, Drink, and be Vegan. I'm having a tough time with the new diet but I think it'll get easier once I get past the initial few weeks of shock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you becoming vegan?

Plus I really like the bag, KEEP GOING! It's a great pattern and you'll like the yarn once it's in bag form :)