Friday, March 21, 2008

Coming to you live from Bainbridge Island

We've lucked out with great weather in Puget far. It's been sunny and cool and beautiful.

Bainbridge Island is like a really clean, upscale, small town and everyone is so friendly. I can't tell you how many people wave at us when we're driving or say hi when we're walking. Soooooo, different from the Bay Area. I always forget how different the Bay Area is from the Pacific Northwest. Apparently, we need to be living here because check out the street sign!

The best Veggie sandwich - ever - is at Streamliner Diner. It must be homemade grainy/nutty bread. It's got homemade hummus, havarti, cucumber, tomato, and sprouts. I think it's the best sandwich I've ever had.

There's also a little yarn shop here called Churchmouse Yarns...I think. It's cute, has a pretty good variety of yarns, and the people were super nice. But, it sells tea and some food and other things. I get that tea and yarn go together but it's still weird to me. It would be one thing if they were serving tea in a warm environment/cafe setting, but selling it? It sort of felt like if you walked too far you'd be in a grocery store. Regardless, they had a couple really nice locally spun and dyed yarns. But did I buy any? No. Instead I bought what I already have plenty of - Socks that Rock. I just love the colourway. It's called Footzy Foo. It is a couple shades of green and pale greeny blue, and some beige. Very Spring like.

I guess I'm obsessed with STR right now because I started a pair of socks in Mist. The yarn is so lovely to knit with and so pretty.

It' supposed to be sunny tomorrow too. Yeah!

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