Thursday, March 13, 2008

Le Ugly

Since I became couch-bound from the flu last week and haven't been able to go out in public much (or study), I've gotten a lot of knitting done. One of my FO's is the Le Slouch by Knit and Tonic. I can't believe how ugly mine turned out. I guess it's not really ugly so much as not right.

I used a heavy aran tweed and moss stitch - with visions of perfectness in my head. Apparently I need new glasses. It's thick and stiff and HUGE and just not how I thought it was going to be - even while it was in progress. I'm pretty disappointed but I've moved on (in case you were concerned).

In happier FO's my second Chevron is finally officially finished. I love it! The Chevron scarf is one of my favourite scarves to have as a finished object. It can be made over and over and always look different, it's light enough to wear in California, and it seems universally appealing to most people (ie, gift recipients). The only downside it that it's boring as hell to knit and seems like it will never ever (ever) end. Oh and then there's the whole curling/folding thing but that's nothing a steaming hot iron can't fix :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the way those colors turned out. The splashed of bright pink are just gorgeous for a distance. And I totally agree, I haven't finished my first one, though I'm so close. It will never end!